Joins Us

Questionaire for participants


Name: __________________________             Surname: __________________________

Age: _____

Gender: Male ☐                      Female ☐                                Other ☐

Unemployed: No ☐                 Yes, up to one year ☐  or yes, more than one year ☐

                        Pensioner ☐

Migration background: No ☐                Yes ☐ Country of origin:_________________


No degree ☐

Vocational training ☐


Secondary school ☐

College ☐


High school ☐

University ☐


Which profession do you have? ________________________________________________________

Which skills do you have? _____________________________________________________________

Which hobbies do you have? __________________________________________________________

Do you have experience with social projects?_____________________________________________

Why do you like to support the project? _________________________________________________

Which benefits are you awaiting from the project?_________________________________________

Do you have experience with project-work? No ☐        Yes ☐ from project ______________ in 20__

Do you prefer working alone ☐ or in a group ☐?  

Do you prefer manual ☐ or intellectual labour ☐? 

Do you feel better when you work in a dynamic environment ☐ or in a calmer and more stable work environment ☐? 

Would you like to you change something in your previous activities? No ☐        Yes ☐ ___________

What is your favourite place in your neighbourhood? ______________________________________

Is there a place in your neighbourhood you would like to change or modify? No ☐        

Yes ☐ I like to change: _______________________________________________________________

For long are you/have been inhabitant of the target area?

Do you have specific needs: ☐ handicapped access ☐ Sign language ☐ Text to speech program

Are you used to IT

☐ PC               ☐ Smartphone            ☐ Tablet


2020-1-DE02-KA204-007638 The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

